Juneteenth - an official Federal Holiday!

So reflecting on this month (or month-ish)  while it rains on and off all day is kind of cozy. Again, this month was a home-life adventure as we concentrated on being homebound. The major excitement was the recent adult bicycle thieving right from under my nose (I recall them being there that morning but they were gone by that evening when we went out for our Luna bike pedaling session). Luckily we had full insurance coverage (which my husband used to get a better bike, of course), but it still kind of shocks me every time I think of it, as we had things out there for a good year or more (also, we just got done telling  Grandpa Kunk how safe it is, heh) and they were perfectly not touched or taken until we moved/sold them off...in any case, we have become more careful now. 

Now that the pool has opened, Luna has been spending lots of time in it and can now confidently wear her floaties,  wall-climb around the perimeter and doggy-paddle around (though that one, she still prefers us to be close by for). I still have to get my husband on board with the investment of a cap (even the cloth ones, just keep her hair out of her face) and a "thing she can hold on to and kick with" (a kick board or pool noodle), however the introduction to the goggles and head dunking has occurred!

On the book front, surprisingly, I have only read Luna books for bedtime readings...though now that I've noticed I will probably spend time catching up on books for me. I have mostly been watching YouTube vieosa about whatever pops up on my feed of interest. On the crafting front, I finished the couch pillows (though I am noticing  that I have to fix one) and got to the point of folding over the trim/edge of the Luna paw-patrol blanket before resting it as a later project (I think I want to redo it all, anyway). I did organize my fabric again and ended up donating 2 full bags of not cut fabric/clothes so my hoard has lessoned some. Also, I am continuing to work on my mending/repair work on projects I half started/finished from that exact hoard. GO, me, GO!

Looking back on this month, I have to remember to take better notes! I have found that things happen that I want to write about (especially after making a bold statements like I am moving to monthly postings) but trying to be consistent, I don't write them down when I think of them and then they are only faint recollections, such as the idea that I might have had a melt down due to a flustered ice cream order almost right after my last post, and now am scheduled for a actual therapy session (which as I found out was NOT the same people that do my meds) at the end of July. I also noted that I can't really prep for this, as I don't really know how it works and all I get when asked is that "they will just ask you a bunch of questions" or "they will just listen to you when you talk." I tell you, how is a girl who has anxiety about socializing and talking supposed to handle that!?! Also, if that last one was all there was to it, I should be totally fine cause-to the people I am most comfortable with- I share and over-share ALL THE TIME!!!

My bright idea about expanding this "brand" has started with my YouTube channel (again) under the same name (again)...and I found the binders I asked my husband to get for me like a year ago and finally started to put to good use as I have finally organized Luna's art and learning in them. One of them is saved for my planning projects aw I have found while I have grown accustomed to journaling, bullet journaling is not my thing; probably because most of my prep work is mental and when it fails I have a tendency to either get rid of it all together (like the wooden board box idea that tanked this past weekend) or re-working the idea into something else (like taking the jacket I was just going to add a top layer to and completely repurposing it into a bag). I suppose in that sense, the binder might be a portfolio of what I did...and this blog and my videos (hopefully) will be the process/brainstorming that goes before it?

Holidays that have occurred this past month have been father's day (we, of course did the normal of  acknowledging the sentiment and went about our Sunday) and the newly (like brand spanking new, newly) minted Federal holiday of Juneteenth (thus my husband got yesterday off for and technically was right when stating that he doesn't actually get a day off. #FamilyLife). So facts!                                   

  • Father's Day is most attributed to being the brainchild of  Sonora Dodd around 1910 (she was raised by her father after her mother's death), and it became official through President Lyndon B Johnson in 1966. It also has a a whole lot of stats about it, one interesting/humbling (to me) was that stay-at-home father are on the rise-slowly (about 7%). 
  • While Juneteenth (ie, June 19th) has just become a federal holiday (in the USA, under President Joe Biden, June 17, 20201 for June 19th), Texas has been celebrating it since the late1800s (when the slaves were emancipated in 1865, as the result of the Civil War (though funny enough, that wasn't what the war was actually about like my history books told me in grade school). It has had it's ups and downs as the initial aftermath was called "the Scatter" as the slaves scattered to other parts away from their bindings (though they were cautioned and encouraged to stay for "wages") and properties were bought specifically to honor and celebrate it, declining with the time of the depression and recessions and then rising again with the Civil rights movement in the 1960s and today's own rise in the rights movement-which probably was the cincher for the acceptance to be a federal law. As I am learning, the government and its society seem to be slow to catch on but quick to correct/ or sometimes even, over correct the past!

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