emmaline meets her destiny

Emmaline sighed as noticed another missive in the magical box her father made so long ago, the faint glow of blue residing in the grain shining as bright as it did, the day he made it. Opening up the note she read it with barely a mind on it’s letters. Her mind, recalling the story of its origin; the musical mysterious man with the blue shimmer, her siblings came upon when they were young and the magical beans that propelled them into this business and it’s wealth. The name of her cousin from the mountains caught her eye and she found herself reading a second time and then a third, a quest? Lou was coming for a visit in the name of supplies and possible information some jewels the mountain king deemed important? Maybe this was her chance! Maybe she could find her way, her passion and destiny, her assurance this was for her. The rest of her family have long since left the business management to others, falling more and more into their passions. Her parents built this business from ...