Christmas Day 2020

Today was another family event! No cousins this time but a hyper, excited, real-life pup to play with, outside field toys, piano playing, one uncle, one aunt, 2 grandparents, and some stuff he's were enough to tire out the four-year-old, this Christmas Day! Elmo came with cookies and hot chocolate, and a little reindeer (moose?) friend came with a gift card for dinner out! Then there were the fun cards and what I dubbed "luna cash" for something luna-size fin from the great-grands! All in all, a great southern/southwestern dinner (what I call lunch) of good food and good company! As we learned our luna-lesson from yesterday, our day ended in a nice NC time zone timeline, so there were minimal fuss and luna drama but still a good amount of time for the family! The C Christmases were the only solid plan for this trip, so I am hoping tomorrow we can just take a day to relax and recharge after all this excitement. Wish me luck! Christmas facts ! While CHRISTmas is all about ...