
Big screens and pup adventures

Today's pup adventures took place mostly in the kitchen though they did find themselves in the rest of the rooms too. There was "pup" soup and "pup" salad, they played on boxes, buildings, and karaoke machines. They saved the day with the pi masks and even switched places with Romeo and played bad guys to his good guy. We tried to play mountain climbing and hide-and-seek though the interest was quickly lost to eating leftovers. The screens were the ever-present background noise. Tomorrow will be her trunk-and-treat event, full of music/dancing, treats, and games (so they claim) in front of a fitness center here in town. I hope it will be fun and less of a candy line wait for her as last year's wait was far too long for her (she got bored, and we all know a bored 4-year-old is a trouble-maker!).

Toy adventures

  Today's adventure was a good mix of cleaning her toys from yesterday's play, have picnics outside, making more messes, and the big screen tv. Ducks, sand toys, and pups seemed to spend most of their time outside today while she found entertainment in eating the rest of her pumpkin cake and making funny face fruit. The velcro catch mitts came out to play as well throughout the day, but sadly, her want of water balloons came too late in the day to enjoy them. I guess we have to save them for tomorrow's adventure!

Papwerwork and late nights

Today was all about playing independently. She spent a lot of her time in and about her room her toys and her games. There was block building and superhero playing, book reading, and screen time. I with her daddy while they waited for dinner to be done.  cleaned, did some screen time, and some food cooking. My other half came home early so we could do some mental health/EFMP paperwork to work on. Luna was pretty excited to exercise with her daddy and play outside while the sausage and noodles were cooking but boy, oh boy did she have a hard time going to bed!