July 2022

It's been a heck of a half a year(ish). We were all set for Japan and it didn't go nowhere (thank you recent diagnoses!) so while we physically didn't have to move (we were lucky with the housing), emotionally and mentally...and financially, we were all topsy-turvy. It took me longer to manage life and yet, here we go again! This time, it will be public school for a Luna, and a Luna less house for me. The husband only changed offices when we stayed on, so he seems to have the easiest change up.

I recognized a few more things (or a few things again) while life managing :

  • Even when I feel "settled" even the smallest detail can spin me about...which means my perspective concept has more to grasp yet.
  • As our (my) life grows up, the more we seem to need; (for some reason, I was thinking we'd stabilize after a good amount of time, though if we were solo, we might be by now) thus i need to work out how to handle another way to contribute (besides housekeeping, partner support and Luna-raisin') at least a relaxed habit of money gaining to ease my way in *cue anxiety/stress meltdown here*
  • A new positive spin on my inconsistent consistency pattern is the term "batch work" (it is not just for cookies!) 
  • My mediocre networking/marketing skills apparently only work with an established network (it's hard figuring out how to grow my own, maybe a site like Facebook to start off would have been better?)

But yay for the American Independence Day and the marriage anniversary of me and the husband (and my sister and hers!)

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