
Az to Tx

Dream: bathroom, Winn, Phone search, phone collecter, luna pool Driving, traffic,  construction work, making up time, faster pace, 2-hour commitment stops, Hustle House, Albany Texas

Packing and India Twist

  screens, toys, stuffed animals, books, packing, goodbyes and farewells, luna stinkpot, karma, hair: pretty pigtails, Indian food family, clothes, sleep

Grandpas, outlets, and Pei Wei

Today was visiting with my father. This vacation was pretty nice as we got to sleep in and laze about most mornings (like today). We left for a grandpa's visit to the park. The grandpa got Whataburger for lunch we had a good meal before the grandpa presents! Luna zeroed in on the wooden blocks (tumbling blocks tower game) and wasn't as interested in the we played with the blocks and after a few games of "Jenga" we decided to build, steps, bridges, beds, chairs, and tables. Then it was a rambling walk around the park and a few games of monster grab, hide-and-seek, and mighty pups. After the park, we had a stroll through an outlet mall, and then by the end of it it was dinner time and Pei Wei was calling! Yummy Peeking duck and orange chicken all with a side of rice! Yay!