
Third day after surgery

We started the ointment the day after surgery and found that the best way is to wrap her like a burrito and sit on her. Obviously, my husband had better strength, control, and combination so I know that at least 1 or 2 of the 4 times a day is getting through the putting it in the corner of her eye and let her blink/cry it into the eye itself thing. By this point, she is resigned to the burrito but still can't help but flinch or move when anything comes close to her eyes (refinery my kid as it always took a whole heap of the family to flatten me and pry my eyes open for eye drops). She is more or less back to her active self (no naps today) and the red eyes seem to be clearing slowly. The doc said 7 days for the ointment so we will see. However, she has been living her sunglasses (probably because they are the not flimsy plastic ones and actually stay on and darken the lights for her), though she has been slowing down with the use of them too. The landscapers even gave her an umph t

Cafting this week:playdough

Again, due to this week,  I wanted low stress so when Luna took out her playdough, I thought it perfect timing! Her goal was to make cookies and dog treats (first for the ghost we were catching, then for her stuffie's) so we spent let's of time rolling out dough and cookie cutting letters and shapes and animal forms for said treats. Also, we want to play with them as much as possible as have a tendency to dry out quicker around my 4 year old. Woohoo for a stress free craft!  

Book of the week

 Due to this week, I did not do any deep reading. We also didn't get to read any new children's books with luna (just the favorite comforts) so this week is short stories. This volume is a fun silly fantasy about dragons. Edith Nesbit wrote the Book of Dragons (a book with 9 short stories) and while I didn't get to read all of them yet, the first 2 were a lot of fun. As all writers in that time do, the style is very proper English and leaves a lot of the details to the reader's discretion; though these and she wrote for children, I'd say they were a lot like children's movies are today: written for adults but pictured and printed for children.  The first 2 shorts in the book I read were "The book of beasts" which is about a little boy who became king and lets out magical creates from his great great great so on and so forth, grandpa (the last king) magic book from his magic book library and in doing so has to save his subjects from the mess he created.