
My First Post!

{In the beginning} by {Katja Miles} “I have this idea!” a woman says into her phone, flapping her arms and up and down. “But I feel uncertain it will go anywhere.” She flaps harder, a heartbeat for every flap. “I never feel like I will succeed...or push through anything successfully.” Her mind on her current patterned habits as her eyes skim over the unfinished projects she has currently heaped on her “craft” floor. “What is the worst that can happen?” She hears faintly from the phone wobbling in her sweaty hand. “I can be your accountable buddy. Just start. you will be fine!”  Her daughter walks in with the woman’s other half in tow. “I am going to blog !” The woman flings her hands up, her phone falling to the floor. “It lets me share my life and the millions of pictures I seem to take and collect. ” “Mama, your phone!” yelps her kid, little feet hopping to pick it up. “Blog?” “A web log-an online journal to share your passions, personal or professional life, hobbies and