Battery Life of a Me

My battery life is about consistently 6 months, I guess. Then it seems to be a slow recharge, which means I doubt I will backlog any dates I missed between my last post and now (Sorry) or when I will post again... 

Lately, I have been watching mental health videos , and one in particular hit me in the guts so hard I had to subscribe. I am always impressed with people youtubing but these vlogs about themselves and their life always seem to hit me harder. It made me think about melt downs, masks and relationships and all the non--fiction tot he fiction of it all. I still find it all so confusing a path to navigate.

There hasn't been many NEW adventures, just busy nothings, as it were. Daily imagination play, screens, books and developments. The toilet training seems to be hitting a high note this time around, as she found that she doesn't mind toileting and under-wearing so much (even going on her own and even holding it until she is there-at least once so far. We hit celebrations of St. Patrick's day, and a couple birthdays (HAPPY BDAY to my husband and a toast to my Opa!). I like to joke about everyone celebrating with us, much to my husband's ire. We even lived through a actual quarantine due to my husband being to close for comfort (even with the negative results)  according to his job, better safe then sorry! Our neck of the woods hasn't tightened the rains as of yet (that I've noticed)  so we have been out and about for errands, play and wanderings. Though we all seem to be wore out faster peopling and playing, My child has been pretty active in her academic learning too, using all sorts of her resources (her work book, her art supplies, her books, her parents and her shows/games) and seems to be having a blast as long as she isn't pushed too far into doing it. I am kinda lucky that she seems to be so curious, I think. Pretty soon, it will be another holiday/leave days, and family visits. April is a'coming!

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