flour, blocks and its picnicks

Today started out with ball rolling (she woke me up with a big pink ball in her hands) then somehow I walk out to see her standing in the flour container with her cat boy stuffed animal covered in flour ...boy, was that fun! It calmed a little bit after that with screens, paw patrol and blocks but we did have a major session of mommy mountain jungle gym/hide-and-seek. Today wasn't too exciting besides all that as she preferred the quieter playing and lounging activities in the afternoon. I vegged mostly as well, reading and netflixing some reruns of old anime I've seen before (one about gods, one about beastmen, and one about lego ninjas, also a 1998 animation/musical about Camelot). Nothing too hard today, cleaned some house, cleaned some luna mess. Ooh but we died have a good building session while we were building in the kitchen too! Fun fun!

I almost forgot! Happy Veterans Day! 

5 Facts: 

  • For those who are like me spelling wise...the spelling has no apostrophe (')...due to it not belonging to one or many but to ALL
  • Again...Veterans Day honors ALL military service (not just the memory of the dead like Memorial Day)
  • Originally called Armistice Day, it was to celebrate the "the war to end all wars"-WW1)...then came WW2 and Korean War so it was commissioned to change to to all veterans in servance (war and peace).
  • The American date celebration was confusingly changed to the 4th Monday in October before it was again changed to it's original November 11 date in 1975
  • Other countries also celebrate the day (as it was originally for the WORLD war) though in different fashions
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