
1st week down and a new one to start

The first week blogging down, on to the start of a new week and new post. I have been journaling about my life since I was little and "life blogging" (writing online about one's life and their interests) in and out since I found LiveJournal (an online site geared towards journaling and writing that started in the early 90s) a good 20 years ago. I have found (which is why daily journaling has been a challenge in the past and continues to be in the present) that I perceive my life to be pretty routine and monotonous. Due to many factors (some related to me personally and some that related to just plain old human nature), this is for the health and sanity for me and others around me, but how much does any of it actually interest anyone else? In the interest of life blogging (or as google corrected life style blogging), the act of broadcasting one's life, is a popular one, as evident in the quantity and quality of resources being produced in conducting the "proper&q

Sunday reading

Edited Note: I had this piece all finished and written out and then the internet quit on me and now it's all this second try will be less than before... This is the beginning of a weekly post where I read a new book every week. The days may change as life changes (and I am not real sure I like it on Sundays), however, this first book is on mindful parenting . I am unsure if it was the writing style (a casual conversation-like I do but smoother) or that I attributed and accepted this to not being  American culture (and I have always been proud of not conforming to American culture-istics-which in itself is very American-to the annoyance and teasing of others) thing but with every chapter, I found myself relating it to my life. I have by its definition have a "monkey brain" (which to be fair isn't nice to the monkeys as they have very survivable instincts based on their brain and their environment) and while my childhood was, according to the book, chaotic

Games Games Games (Apps Apps Apps)

Lately, I have been pretty tunneled into playing games on my phone. Multi-tasking and coordination have always been difficult for me and these...claim to help with that. Now I doubt it does much, but I can see it does some. Kinda like playing shooter games gives you some sort of understanding of gun safety and situational awareness....well that might be a stretch, but games have been known and designed to stimulated and stimulate your brain and body and all that comes with it. The games I have been playing are all phone apps (besides Luna playing). Color by numbers helps with understanding colors and counting and placement. The repetitive movements can also be very soothing if you are in that mindset. Games like solitaire and scrabble let you practice your math and or reading/writing comprehension. I have game apps that match shapes and colors (or give you a simplified version of Sudoku and/or crosswords). This works on memory, placement, time management/speed (as most have a timer in