1st week down and a new one to start

The first week blogging down, on to the start of a new week and new post. I have been journaling about my life since I was little and "life blogging" (writing online about one's life and their interests) in and out since I found LiveJournal (an online site geared towards journaling and writing that started in the early 90s) a good 20 years ago. I have found (which is why daily journaling has been a challenge in the past and continues to be in the present) that I perceive my life to be pretty routine and monotonous. Due to many factors (some related to me personally and some that related to just plain old human nature), this is for the health and sanity for me and others around me, but how much does any of it actually interest anyone else? In the interest of life blogging (or as google corrected lifestyle blogging), the act of broadcasting one's life, is a popular one, as evident in the quantity and quality of resources being produced in conducting the "proper" dos and don'ts, as well as the many tons and tons of people doing it and viewing it. It's a form of reality media that (at least to begin with) is controlled by the individual themselves vs someone else (like that of reality TV). It is human nature to pay attention to someone else's gossip, right?, and what better way to do it, but by having that control of what you share ( the idea of being the expert of your own life doesn't hurt either). With anything that is broadcasted and produced, this can come with its own challenges and successes. I suppose it is all about how you want to present yourself and how you want that presentation to appear itself. Factors of why and how also come in to play. Is it a way to make money? Is it a way to spread the word be noticed? Is it a way to practice something? The fact that, as the world turns and life ages, having records of one's life is one of the historians' greatest joys, isn't a bad thing either. As I found it slightly challenging to produce content to blog about as the days went by (even if it is only...possibly for now...to that one reader), I realize that one of my greatest challenges is also my greatest opportunity: in order to have content, I must do things (in focus as it were) so that I can say "hey this is my adventure today" (even if it's as simple as taking a walk, cleaning the house, having a meal or grooming for the day). The fact that I (like all of us that are breathing) have a life and are living, could be content enough. I also get to be a part of other life adventures, my child, just starting hers, my husband who, at the moment, is attached to a secular but widespread community that comes with its own adventures, family, and friends, all in their own stages of adventures and of course all the opinions, expertise and roadmaps, those future historians will love to encounter. So whether the content is repeated in any and all formats (in its written (blogging/journaling) or oral (in-person/video blogging-vlogging-) or its one and done posting, it's all about doing it (as with anything in life). the act of starting is the first step, the act of its continued consistency is the next forever onward.

My ideas for this blog and its content:
Book reading and my reaction/relation to it (reviews, opinions, etc)
My life story (autobiographed in my interpretation of course) and musings and or rantings of it-mostly because I can't resist that thrall of content. Who knows, it may help someone someday?
Daily routines and meals
New and old interests (such as crafting, writing, and all those business ideas I have floating around in my head)
Other people's life stories/life adventures (such as my friends and family -with their permission of course)
Travels and trips
Research (in all things of interest: cultures, communities, celebrations, people, activities, and all the random bits and bobs in between)

So thus ends my first post in this second week of daily blogging....and on with life's adventures!

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