
Luna's beach adventure

So today we had an indoor beach adventure! Luna came with balls and buckets a-plenty! We played catch, pong (trying to throw the ball into the bucket), served "ice cream" and tried three different flavors (green, yellow, and orange/blue). She ended it with a jam session and then some real ice cream, yum yum!


EEEK! So I have been in love with the idea of "multi-functional" items since I realized what a Murphy bed was years and years ago (you have so many options now!!!). Ideas of why (besides ascetic) were formed from sustainable outcomes (the reduction or ration of material for example) and the idea of something that be hidden from view. I believe that it branched out from built-in furniture (which I also enjoy) for small spaces. For me, it also hits that conservationist aspect in which we use (or reuse) all of the pieces so there is no waste. The main problem I see is that in this commercialism world these have been considered organic and essentially hand-made so then, therefore, pricey. However, we are also a growing world of sustainable (and mobile) conscious freedom-minded perspectives, so it is finding it's way into the world of the DIY and mainstream economy. Yay!

Forming Habits

So lately I've had lots of conversations and found myself in a...hypocritical?...state of mind. Habits are formed by the environment and thoughts you typically acquire when growing up, the influences that you are attached to (whether that is staying in line or rebelling from the line). [Western] Society is all about appearances. Not just the simple way you dress, but the way you act, the way you talk, your mannerism, body language, etc. We have learned to take it in and adapt it to us and what we want (there has been a lot of  "2 face" fake it till you make it adaptions over the years). The goal is to have that "perfect" civilized proper outlook. This could be the upper crust wealth (that realm of impeccableness in dress, act and manner) or modest "wholesome" vibe of homemade, homegrown, and last but not least, at the end of the spectrum of dignified but poor persons. I am still very literal when I think about things so when I say something I think abo