
This week's book: 3 Musketeers

So This book is not a new one but one that is a well-known story. It is the first of 3 and one of my husband's favorites. Based on the fictionalized story from Gatien de Courtilz de Sandras about historical French figures, this fictional book relays the story of D'Artagnan who is from a poor but noble family, and his beginning years of military life in France. While he doesn't get into the Musketeers in the beginning, he does befriend 3 of them, resulting in willingly going on such adventures for his king and country. With his wit, courage, and cocky but respectful nature, he ultimately wins himself a leadership within the Musketeers. Alexandre Dumas wrote this book in 1844. His portrayal of historical figures seems to be highly exaggerated which gained popularity but also probably indifference with those that knew the true historical beings. The adventure tales of D'Artagnan are considered in the swashbuckling adventure genre (which I find quite fun). However, while it

Saturday musings

Have you ever just sat and listened. Mind off and senses on? Felt the floor/ground underneath you? Soaked up the rays/ weather of the moment? Hear the songs of the bugs and birds and/or the rhythmic patterns of the urban and or rules life go about you? I admit this isn't something I usually do unless I am camping (which is a blue moon at this point), however, after waking up at 1am and laying in bed till 515am I couldn't stay put, not even the shower and morning routine helped and by 630am, that morning sun was calling me! So I took my camping/livingroom/computer chair out in a sunny spot (the side of the apartment building) and just sat and soaked. I heard the cicadas, the morning birds, the patterned whirring of the generator fan/AC units, and the music of the early morning traffic on the nearest street (we live close to a major street) to my seat. I gotta say, that mindful mental health thing about nature/meditation/relaxation worked pretty well for me.  An hour and a half l

FRIDAY'S CRAFTING: block creations

My child is crazy about blocks and this week she enlisted me to make some crafts for her. I was lucky enough to have blueprint(ish) pictures for some, however, I went off on my own for some of them. There were cats and dogs and castles, towers, busses, trains, seesaws and dining room tables (she quickly put that to use for her pups) and my favorite, the robot! Now while my child loves to build and/or enlist others to build for her, her (more recent) favorite thing to do with these constructions is knock them down. Due to this, I didn't get to capture the creations as much as I wanted to, however, she had a blast, and isn't that all that matters?