
Monday of a Monday

Today is a Monday of a Monday! As it is the end of the month, the bedsheets were washed (which takes forever because I NEVER remember it is happening.) I also swept and mopped the kitchen floors (ya me!). Crafting things today was small projects that have been hanging about: a weaving floor mat (yes that one pictured way way way back in April/May). I also "created" a holder from an old coaster holder and scraps of fabric and braided yarn. I edited and posted the May highlights video on youtube and all in between that was Luna pup playtime! Today the pups played sick/doctor, hide-and-seek, super pups, went to a dance party and showed off their moves, took a stroller ride around the apartment complex, and got washed and groomed! The screens came out for a quiet time, of course, and dinner was Jambalaya ("luna rice")! 

April Highlights and book of the week: Golden Poppies

I did a thing! I found it a lot more fun creating the content then editing it, though. This technical stuff gave me a right headache! So, for the rest of the day I decided dark and quiet it will be (and it sort of worked considering we do still have a 4-year-old in the house).  So the book of the week . I got it with a batch of others like a month ago or so and didn't realize, or forgot, rather, that it is the most recent part of a narrative (that has 2 books before it) of 2 families connected through history. The first book showcases the complex relationship of Mattie, a young enslaved wetnurse, and her charge, Lisbeth. The second book sees them returning to the place they met after both escaping in their own way, Mattie to free family, and Lisbeth summoned by the death of her father (the plantation owner). This narrative adds Mattie's young fresh-faced 19-year-old daughter Jordan in the mix and further examins and expands the complex relationship between the families and the

Crafting this week! Paw patrol string art!

Craft of the week: string art! I had 6 mini canvases that I was going to hang my flood pictures on (natural disasters stink... literally in that case as sewer water was in the mix also!). We ended up getting other frames for that so I thought paw patrol for luna would be perfect. My original idea was fabric but I didn't have all the colors, so string, well yarn, it was! Luna got in the mix and helped with chase and rocky too!