
Katja's rice and chicken progression (with pictures)

So today's Luna adventures were of the usual sort-blocks, pups, balls, and the outside. I spent lots of the day anxious about the renewal of my meds health appointment...and then felt very jittery through and afterward (I didn't talk to the same personas usual, through me out of whack)- and no getting "dressed'" (out of my sweats) did not help me feel more prepared. Anyway, the other half came home and said "hey thought about dinner" and "could you?" when I said, "no, am I making it today". is the progression of my rice and chicken dish step by step. Before you start cooking, make sure you have the chicken, rice, and veggies you want to cook. You also need tools and devices to cook them in (I used a rice cooker, microwave, and stovetop). First: prep your foods-thaw the frozen, grab your seasonings, and measure your quantities. We also shredded the chicken, but I have just cooked it whole or chopped it in pieces before too, y

Craft this week: luna dress

 I finished a project! This week I am writing about the luna dress! So I bought a skirt, a year or so ago and for whatever reason didn't realize that it was wool and that the wool would itch me like crazy (even through layers) so I cut in half to make a replacement skirt with a quilt blanket we had. I realized that the skirt pattern was unsuited for renewing as a skirt (holes) so I thought smaller. Luna wasn't too keen on being the live dress form/mannequin but she said she could handle the wool with a lining so here we are! Granted there were a few resizing outtakes but it is done! 

The usual Saturday line up

 Today we did our normal weekend outing. We all slept in, we all have waffle bowls for breakfast, vegged out for a few (I was crafting most of the time) hours then had us a grand old normal outing! We visited our normal shopping plaza's and then out for pizza at Old Chicago's! It was good stuff and just the ticket as my child was getting real hiss-fitty by that point! After dinner, we played in the rain a bit (until it blew us away and drenched us at the same time). We turned back into vegetables until bedtime!