
New stuff

Apparently the holidays are truly upon us! My husband went little shopping nuts (I am uncertain if he is done yet) and acquired a projector and screen! I will say it is fun to have, and we are selling/ gifting the tv to new house owners so it's not just sitting around. I suppose I can not complain to much as some of my crafting supplies probably came from this shopping spree too, lol. Luna had a a blast "helping daddy" as she took her own tools and wood pieces and hammered them "into" the wall for support! 

Book of the week: KU romance

 Book of the week: Kindle Unlimited Romance. I didn't really read anything nee this week. I found old authors and old books to read instead. I found comfort in old heroes saving the spitfire heroines, and wall flowers finding love with those who look past the outer looks and (though they tend to have some don't of reason to be there like guarding them and the like) see the inner beauty within. Stories of that have basically the same patterns and plots but create fun characters and ideas in which these characters have to navigate in order to find and complete their ever after. This week most of them were of the fantasy world of magic and mayhem. 

Craft of the week : book pages

 This week, I started my book project. I am unsure when I will finish it as now the tools are in the way of my craft stuff (waiting to be sorted) but it was something I thought a lot about a lot. We had lots of plastic bags, so I used some folded into squares and sewed them inside some folded pieces of fabric. This way, the pages will trickle when used. I guess I was thinking something like those fabric baby books that crinkle when the babies play with them. I have about 5 pages, though I haven't figured out what to put on them yet. Probably colors and shapes and whatnot. We will see if anything comes from it. (Whie googling, I found that this is kind of a major thing and has quite a following. Apparently, they are called quiet books/busy books)