
Happy Birthday to me!

  Yay me! As it was the first of the month I did our monthly bedding change (also our weeks of laundry), dishes, trash, and puck g messes from a Luna Belle. It was happily fairly quiet. We also did the normal screens, play, and books. The main adventure was Luna decided this day was a good day to practice her workbook and her cutting (lots and lots of my yarn and paper). As I agreed with myself that the workbooks were for her to do, the...trials of her doing the work(ie, me only doing the show and tell or hand over hand) came and went throughout the day and this adventure. To end this day, my husband brought home Popeyes and we had more cake. Yum!

Crafting: Brownies

We have a birthday coming up tomorrow (me) so today when all are here and home, we decided to make birthday brownies! Yum yum! Triple chocolate fudge brownies that I think have chocolate chips in them. Even more yum! Luna had a blast putting all the ingredients together  (eggs, fudge box mix, brownie box mix, water, and vegetable oil) though she backed away from the sound of the mixer. We were also the lucky ones to lick the tools/ bowl after the mixing and pouring wax was done, I loved doing that as a kid.. then we decorated with lemon icing and sprinkles! Also on another, we noted that the Winnie the Pooh jack in the box has officially broken. I've had it for a long time but with a 4-year-old, I am surprised it lasted this long, heh. Brownie Instructions: 1) Combined the brownie mix and fudge pouch mix with vegetable oil, egg, and water 2) Mix until blended (consistency of goop) 3) Preheat oven for 325 F and cook for 40-50 minutes until consistency has a cakeish moist/spring to

Playgrounds and pullups

Today we went out in the sunshine. 45 minutes was about all the adults would handle with all the kids there and such. After our nature loop, I am pretty glad we decided to go as Luna was pink-cheeked and seemed a tad bit worn out when we took a drove to get our pullups. First, we made a couple of pit stops, one for food (Chick Fil A) and one for fun (Hobby Lobby), which was I always enjoy. Sadly, I found out the news about some people I know. The fact that my social awkwardness seems to come out the most in such situations does not lend me well as the one for a shoulder to cry on (like I thought I had when growing up). Death can be a sad and scary time and grief is...another complicated concept. What to say when it's of people you know or know of but who you don't feel close to, I suppose empathetic and sympathetic shoes are best to be slipped on and yet, not knowing what reaction to give or that will be received when doing so...feels very awkward and in some way very rude, esp