Playgrounds and pullups

Today we went out in the sunshine. 45 minutes was about all the adults would handle with all the kids there and such. After our nature loop, I am pretty glad we decided to go as Luna was pink-cheeked and seemed a tad bit worn out when we took a drove to get our pullups. First, we made a couple of pit stops, one for food (Chick Fil A) and one for fun (Hobby Lobby), which was I always enjoy. Sadly, I found out the news about some people I know. The fact that my social awkwardness seems to come out the most in such situations does not lend me well as the one for a shoulder to cry on (like I thought I had when growing up). Death can be a sad and scary time and grief is...another complicated concept. What to say when it's of people you know or know of but who you don't feel close to, I suppose empathetic and sympathetic shoes are best to be slipped on and yet, not knowing what reaction to give or that will be received when doing so...feels very awkward and in some way very rude, especially if you have a close relationship to the one who knew the dead best (or at least better then you). In the end, I seemed to do alright through my fumbles and coaching from the husband. Most people send out condolence notes and cards and reflections and such right? So I may be thinking about doing that, maybe, and decided to look on a poem app I have, thinking it might be introspective to see what old poems say about such things. It turns out the app was more modern and...greeting card amateurish. They did have lots of categories like love, Christmas, partners, friends, well wishes, condolences, family members and so on that one could copy and or share, and some of them seemed very nice so it wasn't such a waste of reading but as it is, I think u will only count it as my reading for the week and not expose any more of my awareness to the important people who this truly effects. 

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