

 This Friday (to be honest, like most Fridays) was a lazy day. We played blocks, had some screen time, ate some snacky food (yummy popcorn!), watched some YouTube, and played games in our rooms. we even created a drum set out of 2 square foam blocks and 2 chopsticks (a normal occurrence in this house). What I really want to talk about is pizza! Friday night pizzas is the norm in this house. We eat, we talk, sometimes we help, but it became quite a The pizza my husband is so fond of making has 4 basic ingredients: flour, yeast, oil, and water. Sometimes he adds other flavors but usually, the flavor comes from the toppings (meat and veg). As this house is dairy-free, what we DO NOT add (which has so many people aghast...which is I find quite amusing, although I do get quite protective when someone has known us for some time and forgets) is any sort of cheese. When we first got here, we came upon a pizza joint: Monster's pizza-they had to close down there Jacksonville location after t

Rainy day schedule

Luna found great fun in learning and exploring the great outdoors in all its glory. She investigated the spout the itsy-bitsy spider went up, how deep puddles can be, where puddles can be formed, and then decided it would be fun to go on a fishing expedition  On days she couldn't explore the outdoors she explored the inner working of our house, from finding the fuse switches (and making a fool of her mother), over flooding bathrooms and learning what soap can do, and exploring her closet to see what the clothes can do! It is all great fun for my Luna Belle! 


So...I am now falling asleep faster and waking up earlier so these meds seem to be on the right track... I don't tend  to remember if I dream or not unless it in one of 2 categories of realms. Both seem to "scare" me awake to the point of not wanting to sleep again, however one is purely a wizard of oz concept, where its fantasy but has that familiarity with in it. I wake up in terror of uncomfortableness, usually right before or during something or someone attacking. The other category is based on reality (events/activities that could seen in my daily life with faces that are a regular occurrence in my every day life). The height of my emotional response to the scenario usually are the culprits of why I wake up in these types of dreams. I've also noticed a pattern of dejavu and or premonition with these dreams (although the act usually happens later rather then sooner). Alas, I don't recognize it until my initial reactive response has occurred and then usuall