
So...I am now falling asleep faster and waking up earlier so these meds seem to be on the right track...

I don't tend  to remember if I dream or not unless it in one of 2 categories of realms. Both seem to "scare" me awake to the point of not wanting to sleep again, however one is purely a wizard of oz concept, where its fantasy but has that familiarity with in it. I wake up in terror of uncomfortableness, usually right before or during something or someone attacking.

The other category is based on reality (events/activities that could seen in my daily life with faces that are a regular occurrence in my every day life). The height of my emotional response to the scenario usually are the culprits of why I wake up in these types of dreams. I've also noticed a pattern of dejavu and or premonition with these dreams (although the act usually happens later rather then sooner). Alas, I don't recognize it until my initial reactive response has occurred and then usually the damage is done...how weird would it be to stop and dance when in such a state?

How do you dream?

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