
Er...nothing new for this Monday

 Today was the same old same old. Luna had fun making a mess with her toys and I made sure I wasn't going to die on any little pieces (ie, I cleaned), I also did some reading and some crafting, and some planning. That old dresser I painted? My other half wants it gone (it's too big for what she's got...especially after we purged her broken/baby toys.) And with my child's big ol' bed, we need all the room we can get! I also still have to do some cleaning out for the tools too. 

Craft of the week: new loom!...scarf?

 In this week's craft I got a new loom from Michael's (we had a coupon). So I started a project. As I am only doing one side I tho g it will be more scarf then anything else. But the purple yarn is super soft so it might be not irritate me too much!

New friends, the whole of paw patrol and it's playroom

Today's main adventure was a playdate and get together with a new friend and the husband's co-worker. A spaghetti dinner, a action movie (triple threat with Tony Jaa) and a humongus playroom that Luna and her new friend absolutely destroyed for a good couple hours! The house itself was amazing but wow, that playroom! I think it was built as a master bedroom with a built in office and 2 walk in closets but as a playroom, wowie, was it awesome! Luna absolutely had a blast playing with all the toys (her friend had a complete set of all the actual paw patrol toys, complete with the look out tower and everything). I wish I got some pictures because they were totally on a roll and playing nicely but alas, I was enjoying the not-having-luna-hang-on-me bit of the evening.  I think the hubs enjoyed it as well coming from a crazy 2 week nonstop work project (seriously, I was not prepared for the stress of  his not being home on the weekend in between!). I think the act of being guests at