Book(s) of the week, and German paw patrol
This book is about a little girl who finds out about herself, it goes through words the measure in size, first small, then big, she realizes she "is everything" and can do anything. The author likes the idea of multicultural books, so he wrote a book and has coordinated with a lot of different translations to translate the book into other languages. Speaking if German translations (as that is this particular version), Luna introduced her Oma to Paw patrol and they found it in German! It was a little fast for me to understand it all, and Luna had some trouble with the language change but soon as the channel showed episodes she has seen a millions and one times, she mellowed out and didn't found it just as interesting background noise as she normal finds her screens, heh.
The next 2 books are part of a series in which kids explore certain famous people and their skills. We read Amelia Earhart and Bruce Lee. It shares their life story and what they learned and what we can learn from their lives and how it might help us.