Today we finally made it up the mountain! We were hoping for famous cookies and snow, however, the cookie cabin was closed and there was much snow in places we could actually get to...though we did find some! Luna had lots of fun trying to figure out what to do with it without having cold hands (we didn't have any gloves). We found a general store open that had lots of different fudge so we got some of that goodness! Luna also got a stuffie and named her "Rita the cheetah" (who is really a bobcat/lynx).  After the 3 hours of maintaining (an hour up, an hour down, and about an hour walking and playing about), Luna had a good nap before dinner and cookie making with her grandma!

The craft of the week: cookies!

So after a delicious meal of chimichangas and Eggees slushies, grandma brought out the cookie mix and we were all for it! The recipe was a typical chocolate chip cookie recipe and it was very Luna friendly as all the measurements were ready to go, so all the 4-year-old had to do was dump and mix. We also have an ice cream scooter for scooping ball(ish) sized portions out! Lemme, tell ya, they were fun to make and Luna had a blast! The cookies tasted pretty darn good too! Yum, yum!

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