
Showing posts with the label craft of the week

craft of the week: wooden step stool

So we had this hammer peg game. Luna ended up pretending it was a pizza and we didn't notice it was still in the oven so it (along with a couple legos) got burnet (a bit) and melted plastic commenced. Suffice it to say it wasn't doing much after that so I decided to turn it into a step stool for little feet as it is still stable and sturdy. it was kinda fun and kinda hard and scary as I hacksawed the pegs close to size before a using a handheld motorized saw blade to finish(ish) them closer to the size I wanted. The next part was a lot easier as it was just spray-painting the stool a pretty maroonish color (that we found at Ollie's bargain shop) and gluing the pegs in place. So pretty! Now luna has a step stool she can move around (as her bathroom one is too heavy to move). Yay!

Playdough crafting this week!

Today there was some fun in the sun (and rain) but mostly play dough crafting! Crazy fun! There were dinosaurs/animals and numbers, and shapes and plants! We made them in 3 swirling colors: (luna likes to mix them!) Purple, light yellow, and orange!  It was perfect after a good week in the sun (yesterday we finally made it to the beach). Woot woot!

Happy 4th of July!

Today we were all feeling like home would be best, thus we did home things. In the midst of playing with my child (building castles, playing paw patrol with her pups, and figuring out which balls bounce faster Waffel bowl fruit salad) I did get to this week's craft: renewing our old couch pillows for a "joker color" requested by my other half! Granted the green is a softer green, but I like the contrast between the 2 colors, anyway. This one was pretty simple as I took the ones that were already there and sewed them into purple and green (2 of each) fabrics.   So on some fun facts about the 4th of July! It's celebrating America's Independence from Britain (as that was the territory mostly formed already-America bought the territories from the rest of Europe later) The way it is celebrated hasn't really changed much (patriotic decorations, fireworks, and big gatherings of food and drink and sport/play) 3 presidents died and one president was born on th

FRIDAY'S CRAFTING: block creations

My child is crazy about blocks and this week she enlisted me to make some crafts for her. I was lucky enough to have blueprint(ish) pictures for some, however, I went off on my own for some of them. There were cats and dogs and castles, towers, busses, trains, seesaws and dining room tables (she quickly put that to use for her pups) and my favorite, the robot! Now while my child loves to build and/or enlist others to build for her, her (more recent) favorite thing to do with these constructions is knock them down. Due to this, I didn't get to capture the creations as much as I wanted to, however, she had a blast, and isn't that all that matters? 


Crafting this week was with sand! We made sandcastles and sand crabs and little fishies and we even made mountains! It was a lot of fun and a medium I don't work/play with a lot. For Father's Day, he wanted to be out in the nature of it all. We had some Waffel House, beach fun, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, 5 guys, fishing at a private campsite (Whiteoak), and some store strolling before dinner out. Mmm, Yummy! This year I even had the bright idea to get his family soaring eagle paintings framed. He was very happy about that, and one of them even looks 3D! I get super happy just looking at it!

crafting this week: mending and or altering clothes

Easy stuff this week, I found some clothes in my stash of sewing stuff so I mended them for use (instead of cutting them up for fabric). I also worked on a weaving mat. The mat is the size of my loom so it should be pretty big. Just mindless stuff that I don't have to think too hard on! Woohoo!

crafting this week: a bag

This week I took pockets I made and repurposed them into the insides of a bag liner. Then I lined the purple fabric that made up the bag with leftover brown fabric (from the Luna stool and the laundry hamper). It was a lot of work but pretty fun to do!

crafting: laundry hamper

So this week  I upgraded a hamper. I bought it to sort Luna toys (it originally have 3 cloth sorting bags) and after we moved, it was sitting tucked away in a closet, meanwhile, I was using laundry folding baskets... so I thought I'd convert the three bags to one piece since I don't sort my laundry. The bottom and the outside layer is a soft brown cloth that I recycled from an old couch cover. Luna has claimed it as her bus since I started this process! We will see how it a laundry hamper, not a bus. :)

Sunday craft: Amazon rings

This week I worked on repurposing some wire rings and gift bags from Amazon (thanks mama!). The brown...fake?...leather came from my stash of recycled fabric too! It is a little messy (I will clean it up at some other point) but I had fun making it (for the most part). Yay me!!!

Crafting: Stuffed animals

Today's craft...was not really crafting so much as mending/alterations...with stuffed animals. As I was organizing I found a couple stuffed animals that were put up for doctoring...and then forgotten about. My child found them and so the doctoring became a reality, Nothing fancy just a broken leg and nose (they both needed stitches, haha). Also, for the heck of it, I made a stuffed doll out of a rejected project-all the pieces were there, I just had to sew em together! But look! All fixed...and all stuffed with fluff (teehee! gotta love Winnie-the-Pooh!)                                                                                             

Crafting-this week, for the Luna!!!

This week's craft will be a Luna step stool as she keeps stealing every pillow to give her height so she can reach things. The plan, Stan, is taking an old project that I never really got started (sorry, fabric duffel diaper bag) and filling it with rubber mulch (taken from an old punching bag). The outer layer is fleece so it should be nice and soft, the inner layers are a canvas (to hold the mulch), 2 foam pads, and old clean dishcloths...and cotton and fabric scraps in between the canvas and fleece to extra filler. :)

Crafting: Weaving

So I want to produce one craft a week (I feel like I am biting off more then I can chew, here, actually). I figured this way my stop and go love/hate relationship and half-finished and just started projects that I am famous for in my house, can all be increased! haha, well, hopefully, the projects will be completed (especially since it will give me something to write about). Today's post: weaving! So I got a weaving kit at some point at the beginning of our stay in NC and realized while i enjoyed the act of weaving and  (I really like using them as inner layers for stuff), the lap loom I had, was, well, lap-sized, so it was small with slits for the warp (the vertical material along with the frame) the were evenly spaced but a good 24 of them notched together. I had trouble keeping my warp on the notches, to begin with but it all felt so...claustrophobic-ly small! Once I found ways to use existing furniture that the shape I wanted to weave (it was usually bigger), I quickly ditched