craft of the week: wooden step stool

So we had this hammer peg game. Luna ended up pretending it was a pizza and we didn't notice it was still in the oven so it (along with a couple legos) got burnet (a bit) and melted plastic commenced. Suffice it to say it wasn't doing much after that so I decided to turn it into a step stool for little feet as it is still stable and sturdy. it was kinda fun and kinda hard and scary as I hacksawed the pegs close to size before a using a handheld motorized saw blade to finish(ish) them closer to the size I wanted. The next part was a lot easier as it was just spray-painting the stool a pretty maroonish color (that we found at Ollie's bargain shop) and gluing the pegs in place. So pretty! Now luna has a step stool she can move around (as her bathroom one is too heavy to move). Yay!

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