
Craft of the week: painting the Luna Dresser

This is a very very homemade paint job. I used what we had around the house and with only my limited knowledge went with it! Spraypainting the top/front of the drawers finished off my purple paint. Some wool and then the cotton fabric was my stainer brush. I admit the stained piece came out kinda cool with a fun textured look. The white furniture was painted and sealed already...though I did give a quick sanding to gain some traction for the stain (and smooth out the rougher chips). So I guess I Pinter the stain on? For a piece we found free on the side of the road, I am not too bothered by the look of it at all, hee! This is what it looks like all put together! One drawer died and has yet to be stabilized (it keeps falling apart!) But again, it was all free, and with it against the wall with stuff on, in, and around it, it's not too bad, ha! 

Book of the week: The last Castle: Denise Kiernan

This author tells the legacy of Edith and George Vanderbilt and their house Biltmore (the "last castle"). We traveled back in time: from the beginning, of their good names but tragic loss early in life, to the humbleness nature of their desires that differed a bit from their peers as they definitely built and lived a life suited to their gilded age roots but also got their hands dirty in their life ambitions of essentially taking care of those less fortunate then they were. This resulted in the foundations of charities and businesses and growth in studies and reputations along with life long friends and acquaintances through generations. Biltmore has lasted to this day through private ownership of Vanderbilt descendants. The house itself served as the grand home to George and Edith and their children, host to wartime endeavors and hospitals, and from the late 30s to present, a tourist attraction of days gone by. As the days went by and the ages fell, rose and fell again, The

The afternoon errand adventures

I spent most of the day laundry-ing, picking up, and getting ready for our afternoon adventure: errands on foot! So it was really only 2 places that were closer then I thought but it was an adventure none the less! Just a note: while I did all the homey things, luna explored her toys and territory and had a blast doing it!  So the errands! We had fun at Walgreens waltzing about the store looking at things. I found some interesting bits and bobs I will look into further at a later date and Luna just had a good old explore about the place, with its colors and textures and it's noise-makers. Then it was on to the boring dental appointment for me (yay for teeth cleaning!-not) and a lesson in restraint and staying put for a Luna (I admit, the youtube kids helped with that bit a little). It was of course, humid, but it also sprinkled and then sunned hot hot hot! I was lucky I packed well for this trip as our water was about gone by the time we got home and the food was also decreased a f