The afternoon errand adventures

I spent most of the day laundry-ing, picking up, and getting ready for our afternoon adventure: errands on foot! So it was really only 2 places that were closer then I thought but it was an adventure none the less! Just a note: while I did all the homey things, luna explored her toys and territory and had a blast doing it! 

So the errands! We had fun at Walgreens waltzing about the store looking at things. I found some interesting bits and bobs I will look into further at a later date and Luna just had a good old explore about the place, with its colors and textures and it's noise-makers. Then it was on to the boring dental appointment for me (yay for teeth cleaning!-not) and a lesson in restraint and staying put for a Luna (I admit, the youtube kids helped with that bit a little). It was of course, humid, but it also sprinkled and then sunned hot hot hot! I was lucky I packed well for this trip as our water was about gone by the time we got home and the food was also decreased a fair amount! We used the big stroller so I can handle the walk a bit better- though not the narrow aisles and stairs- and Luna can lounge in (more) comfort. We got home a good hour before my other half came home and then killed my teeth cleaning as we had sausage for dinner then snacked until bedtime, heehee!

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