
Thursday's adventure

Another fishing day, today. This time it was a solo Luna adventure and I think without daddy worming, she was much more comfortable fishing in a puddle. Being the active short spanned 4 years old she is, she graduated to singing and dancing and playing in the puddle (she was eventually "driving") sans shoes and having a grand old time! Another thing is we saw was a turtle and I think it freaked her out. Poor girl.

Wednesday's adventure

So I reworked my mental health appointment so it's teleconferenced today (mostly due to lack of a babysitter and possible emotional state afterward). It was as short as the others, nothing changed but we did talk a bit about being more assertive in dealing with people. I realized my circle of people who know me hasn't changed...and I've let most of them in one sense or another lead at one point or another I accept them in good faith when taking over or is there a way to assert myself so they know that I know what I am doing and don't need to be led. On another note, my husband is coming home a day early and my child and I celebrated by playing wheels on the bus with her using her ginormous caterpillar. We also played who took the cookie from the cookie jar, blocks, ball, mud drawing, magic wands (turning us into animals), races, and afternoon snack picnics. Yay for fun!    

Counting the days

Today was a sunny sunny day with light rain till the end of the sunny sundown. We had picnic meals.  The game squish became a workout and I was happy to note that while she got lazy and did some fancy talk between 40 and 100, she was consistent in her 100-110. Woot woot!  In one of our picnics, we went for a walk around a pond-ish area...I was freaking out! My child just sped through and rushed with no fear (even dragging me at parts as I was walking slower, paying attention to the splash sounds that followed then proceeded us. Luna was convinced it wasn't a fish, but a fox... This fear thing though, I realize that I am finding myself overly cautious and fearful/intimidated by the day. For someone who thought herself less cautious then she should have been growing up (due to obliviousness vs luna's headstrong confidence), it's startling to notice me swinging in the opposite direction, especially since having a Luna!