
Crepe-ing Saturday!

The weekend days we tend to go out we have been IHOP (or Waffel House) -ing it in the mornings and window (mostly) shopping the rest of the day. This means a lot of the time all meals are out of the house. With COVID it's kinda hit or miss seating (or should I say hit or wait seating) so for the past few morning outings, it been IHOP. My favorite thing there is their crepes. I am obsessed. Sadly, they got rid of the Nutella ones but they still have my lingonberry! Since these were the pancakes I grew up with I think it makes it doubly special for me! What is your favorite morning/diner meal!?!

Weird mornings and craft of the week: blankets (WARNING: USING BABY BLANKETS TO MAKE LARGER COUCH BLANKET)

Today started out interesting. I read once that you always dream but rarely remember them, I was also told that your emotions usually enter and be processed easier in dream form. My dream always seems to make me wonder what is in store for me. My meds have done pretty well for me. It seems my body really only needs 7-8.5 hours of rest before it is good to go and my days seem to be on more of even kneel. While there are days I have forgotten to take my meds (day pill mostly) there has never been a day where I feel like I've taken them twice...So what does the meaning of being a co-teacher/assistant administrator/aide mean for my future? My child's schooling days maybe? The possibility of my future jobs (i did look into interpretation/cultural  training for my BA field, also as my mother was the head/lead teacher and the first class was elementary whereas the second class was older-the toleration of me was way better the first round, as the second round was a lot more student-led

Mom fail adventures

So I feel like I mom fail a on a daily  (multiple times a day daily) a lot... I'd say it all part of the process of learning and growing and meshing one little person's growing up-ness with one (and/or 2) persons who have had a lot of their growing up-ness completed already. The mom fails today was waking g up early and thinking I could get a shower on my own...WRONG! My little solo exploring adventurer feels totally safe in our complex...which good and bad as that we live on/and or close to a busy road. Combined that with figuring out the door locks (and being tall enough to reach them)...and that her room is the first bedroom you come too when entering the house...we have a naked mother realizing it's too quiet after the initial noise of her child and calling for as rushed to the front door to see her 4 years old excitedly run in the house (in just a pull up) and jabber on about something or another (...sand toys maybe?). The result a wailing child after being