Weird mornings and craft of the week: blankets (WARNING: USING BABY BLANKETS TO MAKE LARGER COUCH BLANKET)

Today started out interesting. I read once that you always dream but rarely remember them, I was also told that your emotions usually enter and be processed easier in dream form. My dream always seems to make me wonder what is in store for me. My meds have done pretty well for me. It seems my body really only needs 7-8.5 hours of rest before it is good to go and my days seem to be on more of even kneel. While there are days I have forgotten to take my meds (day pill mostly) there has never been a day where I feel like I've taken them twice...So what does the meaning of being a co-teacher/assistant administrator/aide mean for my future? My child's schooling days maybe? The possibility of my future jobs (i did look into interpretation/cultural  training for my BA field, also as my mother was the head/lead teacher and the first class was elementary whereas the second class was older-the toleration of me was way better the first round, as the second round was a lot more student-led and wasn't as impressed with my guidance-so maybe an old job for the sake of needing the cover bills?) The dream booted me out in the second part of the dream and as I laid awake at 5am, the universe seemed to have perfect timing as my child woke up with a hullabaloo about the dangers of waking on the floor or bed when it's still dark outside. As I snuggled her back into bed with stories, the next dream sequence occurred (this one about finding my way out of the dark). The next time we were awakened, the light was shining through the windows and the morning routine began, snuggles, bridges, and tunnels leading to a fort for gameplay. 

That tidbit out in the world, let's go on to the crafting of the week! My comfort is basically as warm as I can be (side quip, my other half made a funny about me not even being warm enough in hell, which was highly amusing...and possibly accurate depending on your definition of the temperature of hell) so usually you can find me in some sort of long-legged/sleeved outfit when out...and buried in blankets when home. Now when I was organizing and storing our stuff for this apartment I decided the "baby" blankets acquired for my child a good 4 years ago was perfect for the couch (as my child took over the previous couch blanket as her own almost from the get-go). Recently I decided, that I prefer bigger blankets for full coverage and comfort (also they make way better tunnels and forts which my child has taken to demanding). Fair warning if you prefer to save all your baby stuff for mementos and/or future generation in its original form...this is not the post for you! So while it was a little nerve-racking piecing the blankets together (since most of them were lovingly made for my child), I persevered and even created a bit piece as I had more fabric blankets the knitted. Also because in this process I realized that some of the pieces  I couldn't leave on their own so they become a future decor project (and one became a bed runner thingy as it was perfect for it). YAY for repurposing!!! 

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