
Celebrating double time!

My other half passed! Woot! So we went a good 3.5/4 hours for some good pizza (BJs Restaurant) and some fun widow shopping at stores we don't see in our town! Woot woot! Because my other half was cramming for 2 weeks straight, this was also our anniversary outing!!!! Fun fun!!! (Also just out of curiosity, when does family anniversaries become couple anniversaries again? Lol, just kidding we love it!) The rest of the day was working on my craft project this week and playing with the Luna (puzzles, cars, singing, and dancing).  Work first of course! Yay! 

Indoor learning

Today was one of those breaks from everything days. We played dress up the stuffies (which led to playing ball with the stuffies and then just with the humans in the group). Other then that, it's been a lot of learning through video and video manipulation. I spent the majority of today viewing german language videos on youtube (that were more teaching german in English because apparently, german speed is still waaaaay to fast for me...). While my child learned English vocab /grammar through her songs and stories.  Also, I used our little stroller yesterday and forgot to here goes it: The summurlite stroller is the stroller we use for travel. It's light and it folds small in a narrow line, basically the actual baby version of those doll strollers (I think the actual term is umbrella...maybe). This, personally for me is a more of a cornish pro- it is weighted basically only on the seat so it can tip over pretty easily (which I have done, and yes, she's face plante...

Happy Anniversary to me (and my sister)!!!

Sorry folks, I almost forgot today! Happy Anniversary to me (and my sister)! To me (and my sister)! Happy anniversary to me (and my sister)! That's right five years after my sister had a biggish wedding in her state of transplant (where frankly no one wanted to catch the flowers at the end so we all got nudged/reprimanded and had to do it again, lol), I married my other a courthouse with just the mother's (which was a biiiig deal to the rest of the family even though there was a dinner for all afterward- and frankly,  I think they had to fight for that right since we just wanted to get it over with, heh). It was unplanned (the shared date) as it was the date the courts were open and had available while he was in town...I think my sister was a bit shocked to hear my nuptials announcement versus congrats on 5 years when she answered the phone (or was it her that called me...). As my other half is still cert training, an "anniversary celebration" for us (the no...