Indoor learning

Today was one of those breaks from everything days. We played dress up the stuffies (which led to playing ball with the stuffies and then just with the humans in the group). Other then that, it's been a lot of learning through video and video manipulation. I spent the majority of today viewing german language videos on youtube (that were more teaching german in English because apparently, german speed is still waaaaay to fast for me...). While my child learned English vocab /grammar through her songs and stories. 

Also, I used our little stroller yesterday and forgot to here goes it:
The summurlite stroller is the stroller we use for travel. It's light and it folds small in a narrow line, basically the actual baby version of those doll strollers (I think the actual term is umbrella...maybe). This, personally for me is a more of a cornish pro- it is weighted basically only on the seat so it can tip over pretty easily (which I have done, and yes, she's face planted a couple of times). As it is smaller the storage is also smaller but you can actually pack a lot of stuff in it if you are organized. It also has accessories. Now, these will be all (or mostly) plastic and in my opinion, don't work all that well (we have one for a cup/bottle and it totally doesn't stay on it). The four wheels (8 technically as it's double-sided per every four corners) are the chunkier then road tires so it theoretically can go off road-though I wouldn't go too far off-road. It is rated for up to 50 lbs and the seat inclines easily and pretty far (not quite flat but almost-ish) so while the sunshade doesn't reach that far out the incline/declines help in that regard. Luna is set for weight but if you have a long baby/kid this might not be for you (if she wants to, Luna can put her feet the ground and really only gets shade if it declines and has an extra something that extends the sunshade itself). I think it does good work for what we use it for, but not necessarily a daily stroller (at least not one for the older toddlers/preschoolers).

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