Happy Anniversary to me (and my sister)!!!

Sorry folks, I almost forgot today! Happy Anniversary to me (and my sister)! To me (and my sister)! Happy anniversary to me (and my sister)! That's right five years after my sister had a biggish wedding in her state of transplant (where frankly no one wanted to catch the flowers at the end so we all got nudged/reprimanded and had to do it again, lol), I married my other half...in a courthouse with just the mother's (which was a biiiig deal to the rest of the family even though there was a dinner for all afterward- and frankly,  I think they had to fight for that right since we just wanted to get it over with, heh). It was unplanned (the shared date) as it was the date the courts were open and had available while he was in town...I think my sister was a bit shocked to hear my nuptials announcement versus congrats on 5 years when she answered the phone (or was it her that called me...). As my other half is still cert training, an "anniversary celebration" for us (the normal stuff but just lil' bit fancy) will be this weekend. I think we be going to da county next over to the World market (and something William's cooking) it up! Then if I am lucky some german foods...wait for the german restaurant is not that close...but maybe we are buying it at world market! Woot woot! 

Today I celebrated (on an actual day while my other half was at work) by taking my child to the splash pad. It was a hot morning so it worked, though I think it was too hot actually because afterward, neither of us seemed to fair that well (luna even took a nap!). I wonder if we are the only family who celebrates wedding anniversaries as a whole family? Hmmm.

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