
A Katja Creation story

I wasn't up for much today so we didn't anything too active. Screen time, and blocks. I worked on making videos. My editing skills take me a lot longer then I thought! Enjoy this little creation story I wrote this weekend! “I have a story for your child, much like other stories you've heard. However, you must listen and listen well, for it may one day serve you when you least expect it.” “A story grandpa! For me? Oh, thank you!”  “There was a planet much like this. The planet had a job to do, and do it they did for every new cycle, the planet grew and grew. First, it formed its own armor for its fiery soul. As it armed itself, it found its thirst quenched in the form of water.”  “Water, water all around, and all of it to drink!” The little girl giggled. “Yes, my child. And as it drank and soaked it's new plated armor it discovers pockets and puckers and oh how it creaked and crackled while it grew! Until one day, these pockets and puckers found homes on the water's

Wonky moods ans mexican foods

Today was one of those days. I typically get my gossip and news and the outside worldly view from google or family and sometimes my other half. And looking at it all today...I felt like history is repeating itself from 70 years ago (okay, maybe not exactly but similar). Also that society sucks and needs to update itself. Also that these are the reasons why I stay in my box and not take the risk to step out of it... My other half, of course, has a completely different viewpoint (which also makes to me), and his experience is not based on the media (well not completely) as he actually does out and works amongst the society that I find so...sucky today. On top of my wonky mood, we had a taste of home cooking (Mexican food) and my stomach didn't like it so now I feel wonky and icky.  On another note, Luna and I had fun mostly playing make-believe today. There was also building with pups and catch!

Kings and dragons, pups, and letters

Yesterday was a bit more luna independent (she was pretty huffy when I would "interrupt"), than usual. Today was a bit more on track and I even got her outside in the heat for a good hour(ish). While there was screen time, we also built things, paw patroled, "king & dragon-ed, " hide-and-seek-ed, bowled paw patrol, played "ball-and-goal" (soccer with us being the goalposts)., and even sequence, well sort of. I tried to get her to find things in sequence but she got too excited with her binoculars and I lost her to exploring. Ooh and we also played "luna pack" in which she becomes my backpack (I basically gave her a piggyback ride around the complex). I also finished some luna letters. The plan is to add  2Dpictures/words and 3D objects so she can practice her letters and sounds (and bonus for vocabulary). And I got the 2nd out 6 pieces done for my weekly project. Luna finally figured out what they are too and is super excited!