Kings and dragons, pups, and letters

Yesterday was a bit more luna independent (she was pretty huffy when I would "interrupt"), than usual. Today was a bit more on track and I even got her outside in the heat for a good hour(ish). While there was screen time, we also built things, paw patroled, "king & dragon-ed, " hide-and-seek-ed, bowled paw patrol, played "ball-and-goal" (soccer with us being the goalposts)., and even sequence, well sort of. I tried to get her to find things in sequence but she got too excited with her binoculars and I lost her to exploring. Ooh and we also played "luna pack" in which she becomes my backpack (I basically gave her a piggyback ride around the complex).

I also finished some luna letters. The plan is to add  2Dpictures/words and 3D objects so she can practice her letters and sounds (and bonus for vocabulary). And I got the 2nd out 6 pieces done for my weekly project. Luna finally figured out what they are too and is super excited!

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