Wonky moods ans mexican foods

Today was one of those days. I typically get my gossip and news and the outside worldly view from google or family and sometimes my other half. And looking at it all today...I felt like history is repeating itself from 70 years ago (okay, maybe not exactly but similar). Also that society sucks and needs to update itself. Also that these are the reasons why I stay in my box and not take the risk to step out of it...

My other half, of course, has a completely different viewpoint (which also makes to me), and his experience is not based on the media (well not completely) as he actually does out and works amongst the society that I find so...sucky today. On top of my wonky mood, we had a taste of home cooking (Mexican food) and my stomach didn't like it so now I feel wonky and icky. 

On another note, Luna and I had fun mostly playing make-believe today. There was also building with pups and catch!

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