
Craft of the week: book(s) repair

 This week's craft was thanks to a Stich of my luna child. Her "critical thinking" didn't get her a new book as she wanted but did give me an easy project to do this week ( a roundabout way helped me cause I've had a whopper of a headache all day and wasn't real sure what I would have ended up doing otherwise).  One big book of 7 stories turned into a folder of 7 separate stories. I used tape to bind them in place and due to my...taping skills and my child's tearing skills, a few books are crooked, but I made sure all of them are readable. Sadly she tore up the front and back cover so the message from my in-laws is gone, but at least we have the books! Ooh, and while I was taking care of her books, the husband had a project of his own: her pumpkin cake! What little I got before luna searched my piece from me was pretty good too! 

Mike's Farm and book of the week

 Book of the week:  It works for those who can soak up vocab pretty well, I think. You read a story, it gives you the summary in English and English definitions for the vocab in the story. They offer an audio version so you can hear how it is pronounced as well. I think it can work too, for assessing your skills. As it is from a linguistic learning company,  they have many more versions of this level (and other levels) in other languages. I will say the stories are a bit dry and textbook-ish and more like an essay passage than a story. Maybe because of my background in listening to the German language, I understood it better with the audio (which means I am still abysmal reading and writing... and vocab). Alright, on to the fun stuff: pumpkin picking! So today's adventure was at a farm out here. They offered some entertainment like a magic show, taking a gander at their animals...and feeding them if you have the coins -though they specifically say not by hand and that they are not

playground grumps

Today's morning set us for the rest of the day. While I was having my morning wake up (COFFEEEEEE!!!!!) my child comes to me with a pile of her Paw Patrol book and says "I told my hands to rip it." when asked why she answered, "I destroyed it so I can get a new paw patrol book at the bookstore." While I applaud her logic, I set her straight right quick and the punishment was no bookstore (que the start of the grumps and wailing).  However, we have been housebound all week so I decided a walk to the playground was in order. By the time we were all fed and ready it was just after noon...and a lot hotter then I thought it would be. There was good bunch of kids there with more and more coming periodically, so Luna found a few to play with right away. A pup or 2 was a long for the ride and caused a bit of mischief  along the way. By the time we found an unclaimed car on the ground and the  sharing lessons it brought her, her, her mini marshall, and the kids she was p