
Juneteenth - an official Federal Holiday!

So reflecting on this month (or month-ish)  while it rains on and off all day is kind of cozy. Again, this month was a home-life adventure as we concentrated on being homebound. The major excitement was the recent adult bicycle thieving right from under my nose (I recall them being there that morning but they were gone by that evening when we went out for our Luna bike pedaling session). Luckily we had full insurance coverage (which my husband used to get a better bike, of course), but it still kind of shocks me every time I think of it, as we had things out there for a good year or more (also, we just got done telling  Grandpa Kunk how safe it is, heh) and they were perfectly not touched or taken until we moved/sold them any case, we have become more careful now.  Now that the pool has opened, Luna has been spending lots of time in it and can now confidently wear her floaties,  wall-climb around the perimeter and doggy-paddle around (though that one, she still prefers us to b


This post has been percolating in my head a good week or so, now. Kind of. First order of business, this blog! As it has not yet gotten deleted as of yet (like the YouTube brand channel that was set up and then forgotten about), I have decided to try once a month postings. Nothing about my post will change, though, as life added a new phase to our adventures, their might be a Luna learning (or maybe Luna lessons?) tag highlighting her adventures in the journey of kindergarten. Luna turned 5 yeas old this month. WOOHOO! As per usual I am late to the game-also we might be moving soon- so we are leaning towards virtual/homeschooling (NC does not require registration for homeschool until the kid(s) are 7 years old). Due to this , I have now been looking into it and creatively planning stuff out. My brain took this and went is going in all sorts of directions now! My bright ideas are adding a website that showcase my blog, resources I use (or will use), a gallery of photos (I seem

Battery Life of a Me

My battery life is about consistently 6 months, I guess. Then it seems to be a slow recharge, which means I doubt I will backlog any dates I missed between my last post and now (Sorry) or when I will post again...  Lately, I have been watching mental health videos , and one in particular hit me in the guts so hard I had to subscribe. I am always impressed with people youtubing but these vlogs about themselves and their life always seem to hit me harder. It made me think about melt downs, masks and relationships and all the non--fiction tot he fiction of it all. I still find it all so confusing a path to navigate. There hasn't been many NEW adventures, just busy nothings, as it were. Daily imagination play, screens, books and developments. The toilet training seems to be hitting a high note this time around, as she found that she doesn't mind toileting and under-wearing so much (even going on her own and even holding it until she is there-at least once so far. We hit celebration