Crafting: Weaving

So I want to produce one craft a week (I feel like I am biting off more then I can chew, here, actually). I figured this way my stop and go love/hate relationship and half-finished and just started projects that I am famous for in my house, can all be increased! haha, well, hopefully, the projects will be completed (especially since it will give me something to write about). Today's post: weaving! So I got a weaving kit at some point at the beginning of our stay in NC and realized while i enjoyed the act of weaving and (I really like using them as inner layers for stuff), the lap loom I had, was, well, lap-sized, so it was small with slits for the warp (the vertical material along with the frame) the were evenly spaced but a good 24 of them notched together. I had trouble keeping my warp on the notches, to begin with but it all felt so...claustrophobic-ly small! Once I found ways to use existing furniture that the shape I wanted to weave (it was usually bigger), I quickly ditched...