

by {Katja Miles}

The woman watches her video feed where upon the news has glued their channels to updating the world on their towns minute by minute, second by second. She closes her eyes tight, shakes her head, her lungs expand and contract once, twice a third time...and the feed screen turns black.

This Coronavirus pandemic quarantine has caused a lot of kerfuffle. While it has not been the only pandemic in recent history (see Zika virus for more details); it has made it to the global stage, creating waves of panic buying and cabin fever. Idioms like being in a rut, slump, funk, and worse mental health situations have become a commonplace in conversation. All these have the negative connotations one thinks of when they are stuck and not happy about it. 

Lemme tell you why these situations may be a good thing in one word: rest. 

  • Your brain and body need rest to recharge and survive life's developments and experiences.

  •  Being stuck in a holding pattern lets you slow down and re-calibrate your actions and even existence (if you are a deep thinker/over-thinker like I am). 

  • Also, habits or passions one might have neglected or overlooked can be started and enjoyed again.

  • Remember to keep active, busy your mind, body, and soul in a way that allows you to rest without feeling “in a slump.” 

Personally, I don't think in these terms (or think in them very little) because I always feel like I am catching up to the rest of the world (#Autism/#Delayed Processing, woot! Woot!). Also, kids and pets seem to be a good way to keep your mind off the “rut” and on to them.

Be safe, y'all!

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