
Cooking has never been a strong point for me. I had no interest in it (mostly because I had no attention span or patience so I would wander off to do other things while I waited for the food to cook or water to boil, ect., and then forget about it) and growing up and even now I have people who loved to cook so I never really have to do more than nuke a meal. In my little immediate family of three, my husband loves to cook...and is pretty territorial about his kitchen and its gadgets (its uber fun times when my child loves to learn and play with them). However, being a mom that is currently staying home all day with her -almost- four year old, I have realized that feeding said child is pretty important (haha) and thus started out my cooking career. Now, don't get your hopes up because I still cook mostly like a "college student"-top ramen, anyone?- however, there are days when my husband is just too tired to cook and doesn't want to order out so I step up to the plate. The other night was one such night so...I made noodles and sausage! Yes, yes, sausage, noodles, and eggs are about the only foods (yet) my husband isn't hovering over my shoulder with as I have cooked them enough in an edible and sometimes even proper manner but I did it!

Some easy meals for hopeless cooks:
sausage/hot dogs
non-fancy pancakes
cooked veggies/stir-fry
and a combination of any and all!!!

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