A Sunday adventure!

So after a day out (we got some crafting and framing essentials plus some toy fun for the child) the sunny skies were calling us to the out of doors today! My other half brought out the fishing gear that included a net and a Luna fishing pole (paw patrol). As my husband tried his new bait, my child had a blast-and consequently had me holding my breath every time she'd bounce around near the water's edge (and with her energy there was a lot of breath-holding)- with her weighted "bait" and calling out every time she caught a "fish". As it was more of a kid's training tool than an actual kids fishing pole, it reminded of a little of the fish scene in the first Gnomeo and Juliet movie. :) She continued fishing in the tub when we got home, it was a good one time ploy to bath her, I have found. Yay for so many Luna fishing trips!!!