Bright idea...maybe...homestead for the homeless

How much do you think people would care when it came to landlords and the impoverished? In a way, it's a worldwide pandemic that started in the time of forever ago and has never left us. We have slowed it down with programs and outreach, laws and regulations, and all the good samaritans making things for them (mats, bags, or shelters) or giving them things (like food or money), but I noticed we don't actually have a place for them. In America is illegal to live in most of the places they live in (street sides, ally ways, bridges, and abandoned buildings). I did see mention...somewhere... a commerce community that is survived by the trade of goods and services (labor) vs the trade of money, and though that seemed like something.

So my idea: a dedicated plot of land for such a thing. Society loves some good sustainability and the idea (and or act) of homesteading and helping those who need it (the principal of a good samaritan), why not do all three? Granted today's impoverished range from those who truly have little to nothing to those who have some means but not enough (living on and from the streets to having a job but only enough to cover the food or the rent, not both), and granted there would have to be enough land/space that is essentially free and ready-made amenities (even if it's communal). However, in this way, people would have something. They could contribute to the skills they already have and/or learn new ones. Due to not having the money, they would be living off the land (gardens and some sort of livestock possibly) and contributing through trade mostly. The only major problem (that I see right at this time) is that it would require lots of money up front to get it all situated and the real idea that some won't want to have anything to do with it (on both sides)...

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