Books this week: kiddie books

So this week I want to talk about kiddie books! My child loves books. We are in that transition from board books to paperback, well sort of. We started out with the "baby" books-those that make noise and bright colors and whatnot, usually made out of some cloth or another flexible material so it doesn't fall apart from baby use- and moved into Indestructibles (a brand name that makes colorful picture books with limited or no words) and board books. The board books I have seen are copies or simplified versions of fun picture book stories. Ours are mostly of the Dr. Seuss variety with some other thrown in. My four-year-old is still pretty rough on books so our "paperback" stories are far and few in between, but growing! If you are super crafty I also recommend making books! There are several tutorials on making books from cloth and felt to pop up and paper. If you can, let your kid(s) help by narrating the story or creating/coloring the pictures. not only will it be a fun project to do with your kids but they may have more of an interest and remembrance of comprehension. Although my child loves to use the pictures in her books and make up her own stories, which is fun too!

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