Working out is apparently proven fact that exercising helps with life: physically, emotionally, and mentally. I've always felt more "allergic" to working out (especially running) than anything else (especially in adulthood). As I've mentioned many times in this blog, my growing up was a lot more active than those who had free time to play in the neighborhood park after school. Sports gave mama more time to work and us...learning the proven life helpfulness thing. While I agree that my energy depleted (somewhat) which helped the balance of my mental/emotional and physical state, toting me around to follow my sisters in their sports (especially in the later years) giving me time just enough to glean the basics...was, in hindsight, probably, not all that great...while it did give me a basic preview of all different types of sports (most notably the need to be flexible kind), and it helped my mother (or whoever picked us up and/or dropped us off) not need to travel far to grab us all, the overwhelming anxiety/stress I got with every new sport or time slot of that sport-plus everything that came with it- new people, new places, competitions/being judged, and its timed name a few- was greater and resulted in my lack of wanting to do anything athletic after it all came to an end after high school. 

Nowadays I exercise when the mood strikes (not very often)...or when I am encouraged to be an exercise buddy (my husband started family walks shortly after this pandemic started on his non-run days that seem to still happen...ish). At the time this blog started I was challenged to walk on my own.. It lasted a week. However, with this thinking of practicing new habits thing (for health and sanity for all), today I tried working out at home. I figured it would be easier. I don't have to get everything ready for the outside world, (Luna especially) and deal with the doing and output of it all, (Luna especially) but adhere to that proven life balance link. I found an easy beginner's video of aerobics (has an element of high energy but an easy movement that would keep me interested but not stress about what I am doing). Lemme tell you, I can see why lots of fitness centers have kid care. Having a Luna underfoot while trying to focus on the task was pretty interesting. She half found it interesting and joined in and half thought it too long and boring and then stopped but stayed put (she was always close enough to be bumped or stepped on or...etcetera). I also found out for a person who was considered athletic as a young'en, I am now, very much in that percentile of a low range of coordination and motion (I felt like I was moving like I remember my mother do every time I watched her exercise outside of walking/running. as she is never quite quick at it, she can probably move circles around me now)- i..e., not fit. It was...not bad so it will probably be added to the list of tasks that I consistently complete (when not family walking)...

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