Routines (or those things i feel silly about because normal people don't need to think about them)

They say its good to have routines. They provide structure and a sense of control when the world is revolving day in and day out. They also say focusing on doing something in repetition is less stressful as the mind and body don't need to work hard when there are so many other things that will challenge them. Morning routines or bedtime routines are not only supposed to rejuvenate you (that whole proper sleep and hygiene thing) but also teach you good habits and responsibilities. It teaches one to be a sustainable adult. Growing up structure and routines were what kept me sane. Dealing with change (even the slighted minute shift) that required me to adapt set off to a spiral of that fearful panicky anxious uncertainty, I didn't know what to do with.  I seem to be a (the?) person who does purely for functionality/physiological sake. The other day I cam out of the shower was asked about how the shower made me feel (apparently the act of knowing and feeling clean is enjoyable to some). No. A shower is a shower, just like food and drinks are food and drinks, science and society dictate it being necessary to survive and thrive thus it is done. Living with someone else and also being directly responsible for another living being has...made me realize that my habits (seriously, what is the point of dressing in what we've dubbed "outside" clothes or showering when you aren't going out in society?!?- the answer, by the way, is all the above mentioned...I guess) probably need to change. My child seems to thrive in the chaos of life (very much NOT my jam), so the routines and structure in this house are more like guidelines then the absolute. As she is coming to that age of schooling (you can never be too early with it, apparently), I have equated our home-life to that of the Montessori method. I set parameters and just let her do her thing, sometimes with direction and/or help, sometimes not. There have been problems (usually when there is resistance on either side) but for the most part, she is learning and healthy and whole.

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