So when I was a kid I was told I was the best cleaner...which was probably part positive reinforcement and part because I was the only kid in the house who did the cleaning without any true fuss. As my mother re-cleaned everything (or most everything) after I did it, I am not real sure about that title. When I was first married, I made a deal with my husband that I cleaned (especially the toilets) and he cooked. This deal naturally progressed into him taking over the kitchen...and us living more like roommates in the cleaning department (we each clean up after ourselves with the occasionally shared chores). With a child in the mix...the cleaning has become secondary to anything we do (mostly because we just cannot deal with it when the day is done). Luckily, the years of direct strict cleaning regiments we acquired sometime before marrying led us to be...more of a messy sort rather than a dirty sort. We also have different thinkings for cleaning. his white glove is my deep clean (those objects/rooms you have to really use your elbow grease to clean). Dusting seems to be the only thing we seem to agree on (not to do it, haha).
Now that my child is older she seemed to be interested (sometimes) so my habits seemed to change accordingly. She "helps" and helps...especially if it's a mess, or activity she was and has been, a part of such as cleaning her toys versus helping to clean her food and drink spillage/dishes. I have also noticed that certain tasks make her want to do something related (this morning, I cleaned the grime off the tub and she saw the bubbles so it was a bubble bath she wanted next...I was pleased she waited for the "dirty bubbles" to be "washed away" as sometimes you never know with this kid :) ).