Picture taking

I have been a fan and fascinated with pictures since I was a young gal. I even had an actual camera that I created a stair collage from one summer. You take pictures to commemorate and/or remember life. I have a lot, A LOT, of pictures/videos since I have married and had my kid. I take pictures of everything, sleeping, sights I see, selfies (although they are usually 2-person selfies), activities, events, animals/people, inanimate objects. I learned it helps cement the act of whatever is going on in my life-also it can be good fodder down the line. *laughs evilly* The other day my child got in on the action (she started out wanting to see herself in videos) and took great delight in snapping video/or pictures that I have now started an album of Luna pics, lol. Who knows maybe it's become something down the line-or not!

(Luna pics)

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