baths, legos and puzzles, oh my!

Frederick Fröbel is a dude from Germany that coined the term Kindergarten and basically changed, challenged and transformed the education system in the late 19th century. The fact that he started it by realizing the learning early is one of the best ways to cultivate a being, letting children develop through the process of play and their own learning without the stress of their the adult authority pressed upon them (ie, being a little adult/child labor) allows them to grow ideas of their own as well as have the fundamentals stick more regularly. He encouraged mothers and women educators as they were the closest to the children at that young age. While his ideas were unpopular to certain extent (they claimed it too "socialistic"), it gained enough traction to endure to this day (I think today we would call it preschool rather then least in the US,as kindergarten is now more...paper learning with tests and deadlines). This also reminds me of...Japan...or is it all Asian countries?... in which they have a similar concept and add discipline to it (ie, they teach their kindergarteners to be able to sit still and pay attention rather then expect them to already have that skill learned). 

Speaking of learning through play, today we had a major learn 'n' play with her building blocks (mostly legos) and then her puzzling toys. It started out as a quest for the longest/biggest train track and morphed into building towers and school/play houses for her toy pups. We also made ramps and slides using some lego marble toys. She had great fun testing it out and tweaking it with her small pink bouncy ball. While the puzzling was short lived, she did help with putting together one of her paw patrol puzzles and creating a hamburger/sandwich with eyes (she loves those doodle videos on youtube). I also caught her giving baths to her stuffed animal paw patrol (and sunny bunnies). It's become habit that I have yet to figure out how to break without problems. 

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